Saturday, February 26, 2011

Keep it Chic and Clean with Homemade Natural Cleaning Products

The clean and uncluttered room is a chic room, no matter how it's decorated. Once you've achieved the decorating look that makes the room inviting to you, make sure that it's inviting to your guests, too.

Save money by making environmentally safe cleaning products with items that you probably already have on hand to keep everything smelling fresh and clean.

Home made cleaning product are so popular that I thought I'd share a few more ideas with you to keep your homes clean and safe from dangerous chemicals.

Home Made Natural Cleaning Products

Earth Friendly Cleaners for the Home

Mar 30, 2009 Patrice Campbell
Green Cleaners - Bianca de Blok
Green Cleaners - Bianca de Blok
What could be more environmentally friendly than using natural products to clean the home? Cleaners for every circumstance can be based on just four ingredients.
While green cleaning supplies are increasingly easy to find on the market, homemade products are far more economical. Recycle the container that held the previously used chemical cleaner to store the new batch of green cleaning supplies.

Read more at Suite101: Home Made Natural Cleaning Products: Earth Friendly Cleaners for the Home

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Decorating Tip: Homemade Natural Cleaning Products

The best decorating tip to make your home look warm and inviting is to keep it neat, clean and smelling fresh. Before you even begin refurbishing your room and it's contents, get rid of the clutter and give everything a thorough cleaning.

You're not going to want chemicals lingering in your home, so use natural cleaners whenever possible.
Save some money to spend on your decorating projects by using homemade natural cleaners. Learn how to make them from natural products that may already be in your cupboards.

Springtime Fresh Natural Kitchen Cleaners

Homemade Green Cleaners for Domestic Cleaning

Apr 13, 2009 Patrice Campbell
Home Made Green Cleaners - Agata Urbaniak
Home Made Green Cleaners -Agata Urbaniak
The spring cleaning is done, but keeping the shine and freshness is an ongoing process. Non toxic cleaning with natural cleansers make environmental and economical sense.
Expand on the basic homemade natural cleaners already in your green cleaning cupboard with environmentally friendly products for maintaining a cleaner home.
Sparkling Fresh DishesShow off the beauty of dishes and cookware without stains or waterspots.

Read more at Suite101: Springtime Fresh Natural Kitchen Cleaners: Homemade Green Cleaners for Domestic Cleaning